Friday, January 12, 2007

Finally a new blog

I have been so busy lately seems...trying to find host families for January students. It has been quite a struggle.
We have "adopted" two exchange students. Michelle from Romania and Amanda from Mongolia. We also have Ricardo from Columbia living with us too. They are great kids and we are getting along really well. It is nice to have some female companionship. Our Korean son Min has returned to South Korea and I miss him immensely. He looked out for me, making sure that I take my shots and medications. He was a very sweet young man.
The four kids and I went down to Chinook on the 5th and entertained at the Villa's Christmas party. They all enjoyed our "program?" We sang and Min played a couple of classical pieces. He played my favorite in his repetoire and I cried knowing that it was probably the last time he would play it for me. I am such a sap some times. Mom and DAD came and we had a nice time. I try to get down to Chinook more often. Mom does well but I worry about her. I try to do some house cleaning while I am the bathrooms and the stove. She has a hard time cleaning those rooms. Her exchange student is good about vacumning and dusting. He is a nice young man.
We are having a cold snap and I hate it. It was actually above zero today but will be cold tonight..with a high of 5 above tomorrow. The kids and I are going to Rocky Boy in the morning as they are selling concessions at the basketball game. They are doing some fund raising for a club they belong to that is going to Washington D.C. in the Spring.
Preston is signed up for another semester of college. He is now on schedule..he was off as he had started in a Spring semester and was off that half a year. I think he feels better about things now. He still is working part-time at the chemical company.
Well, Mike just got home from work and needs my attention. It is almost 9 p.m. Long day for him.
Hope to blog more in the near future.
Hope everyone is well.

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